Happy Tails for Tucker
July 4, 2009
We wanted to give LRR an update on Tucker. So far everything seems to be going well. We took him to the vet for his initial check up and was confirmed a healthy dog, weighing 85lbs. The vet and the receptionist oooouued and aaaawwed at what a beautiful and sweet dog he was. Of course, we agreed :-)
As for the adjusting period for Tucker, Phin, Jeff and I, everything seems to be going well and as expected. I think Phin and Tucker are still trying to figure out where they stand. They play but sometimes it gets a little heated. Each day seems like they play a little more gentle. Tucker is a big boy and pushes Phin around with his body. When they play tug, Phin holds on for dear life while Tucker cleans the floor with him. They both really seem to enjoy it.
Tucker is still following Jeff and I around, although, more so with me. He’s a Momma’s boy, which I love. As we are getting ready for bed he waits patiently by the bathroom door for Jeff to brush his teeth. He gets excited when you pull out the toothpaste.
The dogs have been sleeping on doggie beds in our room. Tucker has been getting up at 5am every morning so Jeff takes the dogs for a walk. Tucker is in the front, ahead of the pack, Jeff in the middle, and Phin dragging behind. Phin is not much of a morning dog :-) We are trying to get everyone on the same schedule.
Jeff is signing up Tucker for obedience lessons near our home. Right now, I have started clicker training, just doing the basics. We are also working on taking food gently from our hand. Tucker pulls quite a bit on the leash so we have bought the gentle leader and reinforcing acceptable walking behavior.
When the dogs eat Tucker inhales his food and always finishes before Phin. Tucker is wonderful and leaves Phin alone to finish his food.
Jeff and I couldn’t be more thrilled with Tucker. He loves, he plays and he adds another fun personality to our home. We are extreamly happy to have him a part of our family. Thank you for making that possible.