Happy Tails for Midnite (formerly Midnight)
August 12, 2009
Hi! We’re Sam and Midnight and we’re really, really happy! We were brothers in our first home. Unfortunately we were both surrendered to LRR earlier this year. We went to live in separate foster homes and met lots of great new people and lab buddies.
Sam, that’s me, the yellow fellow; I was adopted in June and went to live with my forever family and my new best friend, Peetey, who was almost 12 years old. Peetey was a really happy guy and showed me the ropes and routines for my new home and we went everywhere together. We only spent a few short weeks together and he got really sick and crossed the rainbow bridge the end of July. I was very sad. My family and I thought we needed a new friend to keep us all company, and guess who they took me to visit? My brother, Midnight!
The moment we laid eyes on each other, it was pure joy. We were so happy to see each other again, so my family brought him home to live with us too. Now I’m showing him that it’s OK to play with the woobies in the baskets all over the house, just like Peetey showed me. We cruise the yard and make sure the cats stay outside the fence, so my new mom’s bird feeders are safe. She really likes birds for some reason, but she definitely loves us more. We sleep together, eat together, play together - Midnight loves to chase tennis balls like some kinda nut. It makes him really happy. Me, I’d rather just watch him run and wait for him to get tired and then wrestle with him cause I know I’ll win. My dad says we’re two peas in a pod.
All the great people at LRR have taken such good care of us and given us so much love, and now they’ve given us a forever family - together. Reunited, and it feels so good!