Happy Tails for Amos
September 22, 2009
Hi, I’m Amos and I think I’m becoming “Famous Amos” in my new town. (Well, maybe not as famous as the cookies but I’m working on it ) All the people I meet just think I am so cute, well behaved, and such a great dog. Everyone keeps asking Mom and Dad where they got me. They always tell them all about LRR and what a great organization they are. I think they are pretty great also and thank them for “saving” me. I can tell that my new Mom and Dad love me very much.
I’ve been in my new Forever home about a month now and I’m getting used to the routine. I wake up Mom and Dad before the alarm goes off so they won’t be late for work and also to let them know it’s time to feed me. I even wake them up when the alarm doesn’t go off . They tell me to “go back to sleep” but I won’t quit till I get them out of bed. Hey, how am I supposed to know it’s Saturday?
We go for long walks every night, about 1½ miles, and I’ve seen some really neat animals, Deer, rabbits, squirrels, but I just stand and watch them. I never pull on my leash or go after them. I’ve made friends with several other dogs and people that I’ve met on my walks. I’ve also met lots of kids that like to pet me so I give them kisses back.
There is a beautiful park we go to on weekends. I can go swimming there but I’m a little afraid to go in the water. I watch the other dogs swim but I’m not ready yet to give it a try even though it looks like fun. I like walking through the park meeting the other dogs and people, especially conning the people out of “belly rubs”.
Mom and Dad found a fenced in field in one of the school yards, so now they take me there to run. At first, they had to run with me so I knew that it was OK to run free. We all had a good time, but Mom and Dad had to take a nap that afternoon they were so tired. Now when I go there I know I’m allowed to just run and I have fun running at full speed, in big circles, around them.
I am also becoming quite a good watch dog. I love to sit on the screened-in deck and watch for the animals that come by- Deer, rabbits, squirrels, turkeys, etc. but I let them know that they don’t belong on my property and they had better leave. I even warn Mom and Dad when there are people near my new home. They say I’m a “good boy” because I stop barking when they tell me it’s OK for them to be there, but I still watch them till they leave.
I have my own bed that Mom bought me. I laid on it for about 3 minuets and then decided I’d rather sleep with Mom and Dad on their bed. They tell me that I’m a bed hog but I just want to be close to them. I usually try to sleep with a paw touching each of them just so I can keep an eye on them.
Lastly, I want to thank LRR for taking me and finding a “Forever Home” for me. We “rescues” can never thank you enough for the work that you do for us.
A note from Mom and Dad: We also want to thank LRR and everyone involved in our adoption process. We appreciate all the time and effort that was put into the whole procedure so that we were able to adopt Amos. He is a great companion and has brought much joy into our lives. We are so happy with Amos even though his biggest fault is being the superb con artist in his ability to get everyone that he meets to give him belly rubs, but is it a fault to have that much love to give back to people?